Construction Overview

Managing a Self-Build Site

Main Contractor vs. Direct Labour

  • Main Contractor:

    • You can be hands-off but should make daily visits to check progress and take photos.
    • The certifier may require your presence for inspections.
    • The contractor or architectural designer may call for decisions.
Direct Labour (Managing Trades Yourself): 
  • You are responsible for day-to-day management, including health and safety supervision, waste management, and material supply.
  • You will need to be in constant communication with tradesmen to ensure smooth progress.
  • Keep the site ready for each trade to avoid delays and disruptions.

Key Responsibilities When Hiring a Main Contractor

Specifications and Deadlines:

  • The contractor will provide deadlines for specifying key items (e.g., windows, kitchen) due to long lead times.
  • Ensure that the contractor checks product availability and orders in time.


Payment Terms:
  • Payments are typically made after each stage is completed and certified.
  • Draw down payments from the bank as needed for each stage.

    Key Responsibilities When Using Direct Labour

    Site Supervision:

    • You or a hired foreman will oversee health and safety on site, manage waste disposal, and maintain site tidiness.
    • Health authorities may conduct spot inspections, so ensure compliance with safety standards.

    Materials and Equipment:

    • Keep the site supplied with the necessary materials and hire equipment like scaffolding at the right time to avoid delays.
    • Use a "just-in-time" approach to avoid stockpiling bulky items.

    Trades Coordination:


    • Stay in contact with tradesmen to ensure the site is ready for them when scheduled.
    • If the site is not prepared, trades may move to another job, causing delays.

    Budget Management:

    • Track expected and actual costs on a spreadsheet and keep electronic copies of invoices and certificates.
    • Pay tradesmen promptly and ensure cash flow aligns with your mortgage stage payments.

    Construction Stages and Scheduling

    • Foundation Work:

      • Foundations are often built independently of the structure above, with different specifications depending on the building method (e.g., timber frame or blockwork).
      • If multiple companies are involved, ensure you have a clear schedule from each and document any verbal agreements in writing.
    • Moisture Management:

      • Moisture control is critical in all building types, often handled through airtightness and vapour permeability specifications.
      • Ensure proper installation of wall ties, insulation, and clean cavities to manage moisture effectively.

    Inspections and Compliance

    • Building Control/Certifier Inspections:
      • Coordinate with building control (NI) or your certifier (ROI) to schedule inspections at key stages.
      • Keep inspection schedules provided by your professional certifier and ensure inspections happen more frequently than building control inspections.

    By organizing the build process, staying on top of materials, coordinating trades, and managing finances, you can successfully navigate either route of project management for your self-build.

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